Kris, gina, danielle, ken and scott. Average tenure: 12 years
Snail mail might be slower than Email but its a whole lot more effective. We want an experience. We want a better connection with our customers. We want Brand recognition. We want better RESPONSE RATES!
According to the USPS, 116.2 billion pieces were mailed in 2023. We mailed over 6 million of them. Marketers know this is a critical component to their overall marketing strategy and we are here to help you fulfill this channel.
By utilizing a variety of imprinting techniques such as ink-jet and digital toner, we can help personalize each and every piece you drop in the mail. According to the Direct Marketing Association in 2023, the average response rate for variable mailing was around 9% for house lists and 4% for prospect lists. Compare that to email marketing's open rate of .12%. We can help you get the most out of your direct mail marketing campaigns!